London Calling.........

Last week I walked in to the National Portrait Gallery in London and saw my painting, "Portrait of Sean(Winter Solstice)" hanging in the BP Portrait Award exhibition. It was an incredible moment that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It has been so rewarding and satisfying to know that all of the time effort and dedication that I have devoted to my studio practice has paid off.  Not only did I have the honor of having my painting selected for exhibition, but it was also one of six to be chosen to be reproduced and sold in the National Portrait Gallery's retail shop. 

The show was impressive and I would like to congratulate all of the artists that were included this year. 1,969 artists from 77 different countries entered the BP Portrait Award 2013. Of these, 1,223 entries came from the UK and 746 entries came from other countries. Fifty five artists (2.8% of the entry) had their paintings selected for the exhibition.

Meeting and talking with the Director of the National Portrait Gallery, Sandy Nairne, and one of the judges, Ali Smith about the show was such a treat. It was also nice to talk with some of the other artists about their experiences as well. To have my work hanging in the same museum that contains master works by Holbein, Sargent, Bacon, Freud, and many others is such an incredible honor.

I had a spectacular time while in London and was able to fit in some other activities like pubs, antique shops, theater, museums, and great restaurants. Sort of a jam packed week with lots to do everyday, but so worth it. 

Now I'm ready to get back in the studio and get to work ! 

The National Portrait Gallery houses the world’s largest collection of portraits, from the late Middle Ages to the present day. The museum collection contains amazing portraits of people who have shaped British history from kings and queens to musicians and film stars. Artists featured range from Holbein to Hockney and the collection includes work across all media, from painting and sculpture to photography and video.


BP Portrait Award

I am absolutely thrilled and honored to have my painting "Portrait of Sean, Winter Solstice" included in the BP Portrait Award 2013, at The National Portrait Gallery, London. Out of almost 2,000 entries 55 paintings were selected for the exhibition.  

The exhibition will be on view from the 20th of June to the 15th of September in London, and then it will go on tour through 2014.

"Portrait of Sean, Winter Solstice" ©   Oil on Wood Panel